Wednesday, July 7, 2021

animals -

about animals for our inquiry, we get to pick any animal we won't I did a dog it was fun I did where they  lived and what they eat I saw dogs eating meat


  1. Kia ora Parker.
    I am glad to see that you have been learning about the zones of regulation and also about animals. I think the slide you embedded is the wrong one for the post you were creating.

  2. Hi Parker,I think you may of dropped the wrong slide into your slide/ blog.I would of loved to of seen your animal work. Perhaps you could re-edit. What do you think?Good Zones work, maybe put it in the right spot. I just wanted to ask if you would consider blogging about lockdown and some of the things that you have been doing to keep yourself amused?Stay awesome and be kind.

  3. hi love it.
    maby nexd time can you add some more pictures and information I really like those pretty cool
